Reset Verification
Second chances?
This is for server moderators / owner(s) to reset a user's credentials to verify in a server. If you are an end-user trying to access a server, please refer to the User Helpbook instead of the Owner's Manual.
A user may request to change their main account in your server if their main account has been compromised, deleted or for any other reasons that you find acceptable.
This is also applicable to resetting verification attempts.
Conditions Required
Affected User must have an Alternate Account Error
Alt Account Logs Record containing both main and alt accounts' 18 digit ID
Affected User who reached maximum verification attempts
If you deem that the user's evidence / reasoning provided is eligible for a verification reset, you can execute the following.
Attempts Reset
Desktop / Browser App
Right Click on the affected user.
Select the Apps option.
Select Reset Verification .
Mobile App
Tap on the affected user's profile.
Scroll down until you see Apps.
Select Verify.
Once you have executed the command, prompt the user to verify again.
Resetting Main Account Details
For ease of convenience and precision finding, we recommend using the command as shown.
/reset-verification id:
Key in the command as shown, one Discord ID at a time.
Once both accounts are processed, request the user to verify on the correct account to be set as main.
Reset Confirmation
You will see the messages as shown when you reset a user's verification details / attempts.
Last updated