Verified User Role

πŸ§Žβ€β™‚οΈOnly bestowed to those who are worthy.

Let's set up a role that your users will receive when they complete their verification on our application!

Creating a Role

Head into your Discord Server settings and enter into the sub-menu of 'Roles'

Do place your newly created role below the Verification app's role as shown highlighted in yellow.

Otherwise, you will receive an error message from the app requesting you to re-order the role to be placed under as shown.

Create a new role with the 'Create Role' button as shown, you can name it however you like to fit your server's theme (i.e. Citizen, Player etc.).

In our demonstration here, our role for Verified Users will be "Verified"

Permissions Settings

To simplify your operations as a server owner / moderator, we will change the default role that are able to view all messages in your servers. We will configure only Verified users and above to be able to view all viewable text channels.

Head into the Default Permissions for @everyone as shown.

Toggle the View Channels permissions for @everyone to OFF. This is the only setting you have to toggle.

By default, Discord would set @everyone View Channels permissions to ON.

We want to switch this OFF to transfer the default role for viewing to the Verified role.

Switch over to your Verified role and toggle the View Channels permissions to ON.

If you do have any other miscellaneous roles (e.g. Reaction Roles or Roles to Access Channels) that are obtainable before the user is verified, you can do one of two options.

  1. Disable the 'View Channels' permissions in the settings.

  2. Only show the reaction roles text channel when the user is verified. (recommended)

At the same time, do enable other permissions that you'll like your Verified Members to have

  • Send Messages

  • Send Messages in Threads

  • Connect & Speak in Voice Channels

  • Create Public / Private Threads

  • Embed Links

and so on and on, the sky is limit in your server.

Now, we have set the permissions in a way that only Verified members are able to view public text channels. But what about the unverified users that needs to view the verification channel?

Last updated